Mat Voorter

del 27 de mayo al 28 de junio

He works with dance and other arts. With ZOO-Thomas Hauert he created-performed in almost all the works since their beginning 20 years ago. Over more than 25 years he worked with his life partner David Zambrano studying, performing, organising and creating costumes for many of the creations. In 2018 together they created Tictac Art Centre in Brussels, a space for dance and other art forms, with a focus in sharing spontaneous creation / improvisation through workshops / performing / exhibitions. Other recent collaborations which he can mention are with Anne Lore Baeckeland (improvising for/with children), NEST (directing and creating costume and scenography with teenagers), Les Slovaks and Cie Thor (costumes, created in collaboration with Pepa Canel).



La Faktoria has invited me to work with their participants with my experience and creativity that I have in relation with materials for/with/and dancing. This workshop will be an experiment which we will go in together. Exploring how we can contribute through costume and/or scenography to our dancing. What can help to enrich the creation of a dance. How can we appreciate costume and materials as a gift instead of an obstacle / limitation. A costume can be more than wearing clothing. How can we interact with different materials and create something out of it. We might get involved with a lot of dreaming, breeding, experimenting, laborwork and more laborwork (possibly sewing, knitting, knotting, cutting, building, etc etc) playtime.