Germán Jauregui and ANTIA DIAZ OTERO
What moves me today? How a heterogeneity of thoughts, feelings, sensations, intuitions becomes an action, an image or a presence? And vice-verse? How during the process the different materials dialogue and transform themselves? How the way of doing is also meaningful? How does our way of organising creative activity influence aesthetic form? What kind of relationship does our process establish with the world in which it takes place? These are some of the questions we will address, not with the aim of arriving at universal answers but to stimulate searching, listening, decision making and trying.
This workshop aims to create a specific time and space that allows everyone to immerse in their own project, that encourages questioning, that impels towards the unknown and that invites to discover new paths that have not yet been walked upon.
We start from the idea that a creation is the process of inquiring the imaginary and, at the same time, a concrete way of putting us in relation with the reality that surrounds us. Because of this, in this workshop, we approach the creation process as an act of resistance against such concepts as productivity, rapidity, efficiency, and accomplishment which characterize the actual society.
Individual, couple and group exercises will be combined with the purpose of facilitate immersion, reflection and dramaturgical thinking of each project. An holistic approach to the body will have a central position in this practice : the body in movement, the active body, but also the quietness of the body and its concentration.
In 2016, Germán Jauregui and Antía Díaz Otero started an artistic collaboration that includes creation, research and teaching practices. From their work together as well as from their previous experiences, they began a reflection on the creation process, its
methods and forms of organisation. All these practices have given rise to the workshop “An approach to a creation process”, which is held in different centres, festivals and universities such as Impulstanz festival in Vienna (Austria), the University of Music and
Dance of Koln (Germany), Iwanson International School of Contemporary Dance of Munich (Germany), SEAD-Salzburg experimental academy of dance in Salzburg (Austria) and Marosi Festival (Italy), among others.
German Jauregui is a choreographer, dancer and teacher based in Brussels. In 1998 he joins the company Ultima Vez/Wim Vandekeybus, where he works as a dancer during more than 10 years, in the creation and touring of 9 pieces. Since 2015, he works as a movement assistance and rehearsal director in several creations.
Since 2021 he works with the company Oester, directed by Aida Gabriels, where he dances and choreographs the pieces “Dance of the seven veils” (2021), “Styx” (2022), and choreographs “The wild stage” (2022). He also collaborates with Loïc Touze, Idoia Zabaleta/Moare danza, Side-Show, Seppe Baeyens, and participates in the international project “Sites of imagination” (2007) and in the documentary “Los caminos de la memoria” (2009) directed by Jose Luis Peñafuente.
In 2007, he starts to develop his own work with the creation of the pieces “ Isaac” (2007), “Sunset on Mars” (2009), “ Confession” (2013). Together with the choreographer Antía Díaz Otero, he creates “Isaac y Diola” (2016) and “Rassemblement ” (2019). In 2023 he
directs Béla Bartók’s opera Blubeard’s Castle.
As a Guess choreographer he creates pieces for companies in Spain, Belgium, Mexico and Canada. In parallel, he teaches workshops internationally.
ANTIA DIAZ OTERO (Galicia, Spain)
Antía Díaz Otero is a choreographer, dancer and researcher based in Brussels. She has a degree in art history and a master’s degree in “Performing Arts” from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). She holds a PhD on the creative process in contemporary dance from the same university. Her research focuses on dance dramaturgy, methodologies and the relationship between ethics and aesthetics in the creative process.
She is currently teaching in Brussels in the master “Danse et pratiques chorégraphiques” (Charleroi Danse, La Cambre and L’Insas), and in the master “Art du spectacle” (ULB).
As a choreographer she created the solo “Diola” (2009), “Mauvaise herbes au Brass” (2010) in collaboration with Cie. Mala Hierba and “Le PLI (le future n’était pas comme ça)” (2013) with Marielle Morales. In 2016, she started her collaboration with the choreographer and dancer Germán Jauregui and they created “Isaac y Diola”, and in 2020 “Rassemblement”.
As a dancer, she worked with the Cie. Megaló Teatro Móvil, the visual artist Kendell Geers, the theatre maker Michiel Soete, the choreographer Michèle Anne de Mey (Charleroi-Danses) and the Cie. D’ici P/Fré Werbrouck, among others. In parallel, she also follows the work of other artists as an assistant or dramaturge.