Creation Residence

Every year, at the end of the professional training at La Faktoria Choreographic Center, a creation residency is carried out with a renowned choreographer and/or artist together with the students of the international program of La Faktoria so that they immerse themselves in a creative process and bringing them closer to what will be the reality of their working life. A process where they explore their creative and interpretive capacities.


A multidisciplinary performance based on the encounter between dance, architecture and music in non-stage spaces. The performance plays with perspectives, evoking a cinematic atmosphere. This is a unique composition for the Oteiza Museum, since the space and the architectural environment are taken into account to decide where, how and what dance you want to create.

VOICES by Marta Coronado

It is an investigation into the relationship between polyphonic composition and choreographic counterpoint where 13 dancers search for their own individual voice in a collective body. The piece takes a musical tour exploring different forms of expression where the human voice is the main instrument.

LUZ NEGRA / BLACK LIGHT by Carmen Larraz

The guiding thread of this process is the spine as a physical place and as a symbol of returning to our most intrinsic place.

With codes that are sometimes more concrete and other times more abstract, we want to investigate this place, both physical and mental, so that the body is the channel that shapes the images we have generated.

In this search, Black Light alludes to the idea of giving light, clarifying both our most visible aspect and the least visible side, in a desire to return to the heart to build a personal path that will be enriched by the encounters I travel.

This process is a meeting between materials, languages and elements of the research process “5778K LUZ”, from the Dinamo Danza company, and the proposals, materials and themes that the performers have contributed.