El silencio de las flores

This work was created under the artistic direction of Marta Coronado, with choreographic assistance from Laida Aldaz and Carmen Larraz. This work came into being through the Príncipe de Viana Award 2017, won by José Laínez and Concha Martínez, founders of the first contemporary dance company in Spain, and who all the participants in the work collaborated with at some time in their careers. Several generations of the creative universe of the Laínez family came together for this piece commissioned to raise awareness of the aforesaid award.

Choreography: Marta Coronado
Choreographic assisitance: Laida Aldaz & Carmen Larraz
Created and danced by: Cristina Goñi, Pablo Juanjo, Laida Aldaz, Carmen Larraz & Marta Coronado
Light design: David Bernués
Costumes: MG