David Espinosa is the applicant awarded the ‘Lur Residencies – Independent Artists’. La Faktoria Choreographic Center will welcome him as artist in residence between April 6th and April 30th, 2020.
The programme Residencias Lur, has been funded with the support of Innova Cultural 2019, an initiative from Fundación Caja Navarra and La Caixa. ‘Lur Residencies – Independent Artists’ provides a context for research and creation of new dance and live art. A residency aimed at artists and groups, with more than two long premiered pieces.
La Faktoria Choreographic Center will contribute the artist with studio space at La Faktoría’s Studio 2 in Noáin; financial support and accommodations for the research and creation of his new production. During this time, he will also share his work in an educational context with the students at the International training program – Generation 2.