With a Master of Arts from the Royal Conservatory of Madrid, she has been preparing her PhD on performing Archives at the University of Amsterdam Faculty of Humanities since 2014 . She has also danced professionally with European dance companies – under William Forsythe at the Frankfurt Ballet, with Nacho Duato at the Compañía Nacional de Danza in Madrid and has worked with Emio Greco from 1998 to 2014 as dancer, assistant and, since 2006, as a researcher and artistic director for educational and research projects at the ICKamsterdam Choreographic Centre.
Bertha Bermúdez has collaborated on the Atalak project with the Dantzaz company since 2016, coordinating artistic residencies and documenting the creative processes of Basque creators. Since 2016 she has also collaborated on the creation of the Navarre music and scenic arts archive as counsellor and supports the creation of dance curricula in several European institutions. As well as her work as a dance counsellor and documentalist she is also involved in her own creativity and has created several choreographies, interactive installations and different concepts concerned with interaction with movement. Her latest publication focuses on the documentation of dance for the Mind the Dance dance teachers.
« Dive into Your Body’s Secrets”»
Have you ever wondered about the intricate mechanisms that drive our bodies to move? Do you ponder the origins of your movements and how they are woven into the fabric of your being? When you dance, what truly happens within?
We’ll take a double look to answer these questions because what we think we’re doing often differs from what we’re really doing. Let’s unlock the fascinating world of body awareness, reflection and analysis together.
During this workshop, we’ll explore movement, getting at ease with concepts like weight, space, time, intention, flow, energy, and their connections. These ideas will become layers of memory in our bodies that we will unearth and reconfigure together. Aiming to create fresh memories or illuminate the essence of their existence in our movements.